About Us

We’re a small but vibrant and very active Christian community. We’re also lucky enough to have two churches, run by a dedicated team of volunteers, supported by our clergy team. On these pages you can see more about us and about our churches!

What we believe+

Here you’ll find a brief summary of the Christian faith, and links to more resources.

St Michael de Rupe+

St Michael’s is our iconic Parish Church, set atop the 1100 foot Brent Tor on the edge of Dartmoor. On this page, you can read a bit about the Church and its history, as well as the regular services that are still held here.

Christ Church+

Christ Church in North Brentor is technically a Chapel of Ease for the parish; however, due to its larger size and more convenient location, we actually have more services here than we do at St Michael’s. Here you can read a little about the history and use of our “modern” (Victorian) church.

The Brentor Team+

There are a lot of people involved in running the church and providing ministry to the people of Brentor – get to know us here!